62. 夜をこめて 鳥のそらねは はかるとも よに逢坂(あふさか)の 関はゆるさじ 清少納言(せいしょうなごん) You sent a message to me, Just before the dawn, Imitating the cock crow, trying to meet me. At the Gate of Ausaka, the meeting place well-known, Yet, into your seduction, I won’t be so easily drawn. By Seisho-Nagon Translated by Kota Nakako

62. 夜をこめて 鳥のそらねは はかるとも よに逢坂(あふさか)の 関はゆるさじ 清少納言(せいしょうなごん) (鑑賞) 夜の明けないうちに、鶏(とり)の鳴きまねで人をだまそうとしても、逢坂の関はゆるさない、わたしはそ … 続きを読む 62. 夜をこめて 鳥のそらねは はかるとも よに逢坂(あふさか)の 関はゆるさじ 清少納言(せいしょうなごん) You sent a message to me, Just before the dawn, Imitating the cock crow, trying to meet me. At the Gate of Ausaka, the meeting place well-known, Yet, into your seduction, I won’t be so easily drawn. By Seisho-Nagon Translated by Kota Nakako