投資短歌 米国長期金利上昇と米債・保険 The rise in US bonds and insurance products – Inv. Tanka

投資短歌 米国長期金利上昇と米債投資
The rise in US long-term interest rates and US bonds and insurance products – Investment Tanka

米長期 金利上昇 米債/保険 投資の/契約 魅力 抗(アラガ)い難し

米国の 長期金利の 上昇で 米債投資/保険商品 あまりに魅力

It’s too sweet to resist the temptation of investing in/holding US bonds and insurance products,
With the current rise in US long-term interest rates.

米債へ/米保険 投資の/契約課題 円安だ 為替操作で むしろ好機か?

One hurdle to clear is the weakness of Japanese currency; –
The authority’s manipulation may make it rather juicy?

米株を 売って米債に 投資する それがひとつの 相場の流れ

Switching from US equities to US bonds; –
That is seemingly one of major market trends.

By Kota Nakako


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