58. 有馬山(ありまやま) 猪名(ゐな)の笹原 風吹けば いでそよ人を 忘れやはする 大弐三位(だいにさんみ) At Ina, the field of bamboo grass, left unnoticed, Near Arima-Mountain, the wind blows and breezes, incessantly. As it indicates it is you that leave me unattended, And that send me the thoughtless message occasionally. Why can’t I forget you, easily and even momentarily? By Daini Sanmi Translated by Kota Nakako

有馬山(ありまやま) 猪名(ゐな)の笹原 風吹けば いでそよ人を 忘れやはする



At Ina, the field of bamboo grass, left unnoticed,
Near Arima-Mountain, the wind blows and breezes, incessantly.
As it indicates it is you that leave me unattended,
And that send me the thoughtless message occasionally.
Why can’t I forget you, easily and even momentarily?

By Daini Sanmi
Translated by Kota Nakako

The wind blows and breezes at Ina, the field of bamboo grass, near Arima-Mountain. As it indicates it is you that forget me and that send me the thoughtless message. Why can’t I forget you?

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