英訳 新古今和歌集18 春 Shinkokin Wakashu-18 Spring

英訳 新古今和歌集18 春 Shinkokin Wakashu-18 Spring

うぐひすの 鳴けどもいまだ 降る雪に 杉の葉白き 逢坂(アフサカ)の山


(鑑賞) うぐいすが春になって鳴くけれど、いまだに逢坂の山の杉の葉は、降る雪で白々としている

Though, with the coming of spring, nightingales are chirping,
The leaves of Japanese cedars in the Ausaka Mountain, are still white snow wearing.

Emperor Dajo

Nightingales are chirping, echoing the coming of spring. Yet the leaves of Japanese cedars in the Ausaka Mountain are still taking on winter white.

Translated by Kota Nakako

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