経済短歌 21世紀の日本円 その二
Japanese Yen in the 21st century Part 2 – Economic Tanka
日銀の 調達コスト ネガティブで マイナス金利 続く限りは
BOJ’s cost of debt is negative,
As far as the negative interest rate (NIR) is to continue alive.
国債の 市中消化の 限界で 紙幣増発 ハイパーインフレ?
No sooner had the issuance of JGBs become in the market inconsumable,
Than, in traditional theory, BOJ’s debt finance should concur, triggering hyper-inflation inevitable?
日銀の 当座預かり 国債の 購入資金 市中消化と
No sooner had the issuance of JGBs occurred,
Than the current deposit digitally increased, as if market-consumed?
By Kota Nakako