英語で味わう古今和歌集 605 紀貫之 75
Enjoying Kokin Waka Shu in English-605 Ki no Tsurayuki-75
手も触れで 月日経(ヘ)るにける 白壇弓(シラマユミ) 起きふし夜は いこそねられぬ
紀 貫之
Haven’t laid for many years,
Even a finger on her,
As if white ark made of spindle tree, Euonymus,
I cannot take a rest, missing her,
At night, awake or asleep, either.
I haven’t laid even a finger on her, as if white ark made of Japanese spindle tree, Euonymus, for many years. I cannot take a rest awake and asleep at night, missing her.
by Kota Nakako