経済短歌 来る新1万円札 Coming of the new 10,000-yen bill – Economic Tanka

経済短歌 来る新1万円札 ー The coming of the new 10,000-yen bill 
 – Economic Tanka

渋沢は そろばん・論語 軸にして 日本の実業 つくりし偉人

Eiichi Shibusawa is a great man who in Meiji era built Japanese economy industrial,
Based on abacus and Analects of Confucius moral.  

渋沢の 新札みては やな予感 預金封鎖を なせし蔵相*   

The image of Shibusawa on the new 10,000-yen bill can be ominous,
As it reminds us of the name of Finance Minister*, his grandchild, who executed the bank account freezing in post war Japan perilous.

* 渋沢敬三 (シブサワケイゾウ)-渋沢栄一の嫡孫。昭和21(1946)年2月、蔵相として預金封鎖を実施
Keizo Shibusawa – Grandchild of Eiishi Shibusawa. He conducted the bank account freezing as Finance Minister in Feb, 1946.

By Kota Nakako


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