74. 憂(う)かりける 人を初瀬(はつせ)の 山(やま)おろしよ はげしかれとは 祈(いの)らぬものを 源俊頼(みなもととしより) He/She has not fallen in love with me easily. Although I have fallen in love with him/her deeply. I prayed to the Kannon Bodhisattva at Hastuse earnestly, That my love to him/her should be fulfilled certainly and surely. Yet the wind blowing down from the mountain at Hatsuse even more strongly. By Toshiyori Minamoto Translated by Kota Nakako

憂(う)かりける 人を初瀬(はつせ)の 山(やま)おろしよ はげしかれとは 祈(いの)らぬものを



He/she has not fallen in love with me easily.
Although I have fallen in love with him/her deeply.
I prayed to the Kannon Bodhisattva at Hastuse earnestly,
That my love to him/her should be fulfilled certainly and surely.
Yet the wind blowing down from the mountain at Hatsuse even more strongly.

By Toshiyori Minamoto
Translated by Kota Nakako

He/She has not fallen in love with me easily, although I do with him/her deeply. I prayed to the Kannon Bodhisattva at Hastuse earnestly that my love to him/her should be fulfilled certainly. Yet it is not as strong as the wind blowing down from the mountain at Hastuse.

にほんブログ村 本ブログ 詩集・歌集・句集へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログ 古典文学へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログへ