短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-9 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-9

短歌で読むケインズ「一般理論」-6-s-9 Reading Keynes’s ‘General Theory’ by Tanka-6-s-9

要素費用(シヨーシャヒヨー) ゼロの場合に 示される 使用者費用 典型的に

要素費用 ゼロの場合に 使用者費用 典型的に 示さると知れ

ー> 利子費用 補助的費用を 先物の 価格から控除 使用者費用

ー> 先物の 価格基にし 利子費用 補助的費用を 控除の現価

ー> 先物の 価格基にし 利子と補助 費用を控除す 現在価値(割引価値)と

The calculation is exhibited in its simplest and most intelligible form when the factor cost is zero, e.g. in the case of a redundant stock of a raw material such as copper, on the lines which I have worked out in my Treatise on Money, vol. ii. chap. 29.

Let us take the prospective values of copper at various future dates, a series which will be governed by the rate at which redundancy is being absorbed and gradually approaches the estimated normal cost.

The present value or user cost of a ton of surplus copper will then be equal to the greatest of the values obtainable by subtracting from the estimated future value at any given date of a ton of copper the interest cost and the current
supplementary cost on a ton of copper between that date and the present.

In the same way the user cost of a ship or factory or machine, when these equipments are in redundant supply, is its estimated replacement cost discounted at the percentage rate of its interest and current supplementary costs to the prospective date of absorption of the redundancy.

等級の 違う設備で 更新は 差異を考慮し 期待値はじく(算ず)

We have assumed above that the equipment will be replaced in due course by an identical article. If the equipment in question will not be renewed identically when it is worn out, then its user cost has to be calculated by taking a proportion of the user cost of the new equipment, which will be erected to do its work when it is discarded, given by its comparative efficiency.

by Kota Nakako

にほんブログ村 本ブログ 詩集・歌集・句集へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログ 古典文学へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログへ