投資短歌 米利上げで高配当株下落 Dividend stocks declined as FRB hiked interest rate – Inv. Tanka

投資短歌  米利上げで高配当株下落
Dividend stocks declined as FRB hiked interest rate – Inv. Tanka

米利上げ 配当株が 下落する 相対魅力 低下のためか

With the US hike in interest rate, high dividend stocks have declined,
Perhaps, as the relative attractiveness has diminished.

米利上げ 配当株が 下落する ここは押し目の 買いのチャンスか

With the hike in US interest rate, dividend stocks have declined substantially.
Providing good opportunities to buy them cheap, probably. 

逆張りは 株価評価を してのこと あとは収益 見通し次第

Contrarian investments should be based on valuations.
Then what matters is solid and good prospective earnings in estimations.

By Kota Nakako


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