11. わたの原八十島(やそしま)かけて漕ぎ出でぬと人には告げよあまの釣舟 Oh, sea boat fishermen! Please in the capital convey To the men and women He paddled out to the sea his way Aiming for the islands away.


わたの原 八十島(やそしま)かけて 漕(こ)ぎ出(い)でぬと 人には告げよ あまの釣舟(つりぶね)




Oh, sea boat fishermen!
Please in the capital convey
To the men and women
He paddled out to the sea his way
Aiming for the islands away.

By Takamura Ono

Oh, sea boat fishermen! Please tell people in the capital that he paddled out alone to the bed of ocean towards the islands away.

中湖康太 英訳
Translated by Kota Nakako

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