英語で味わう狂歌 大田南畝-6 Enjoying Kyoka in English: Nanpo Ota-6

英語で味わう狂歌 大田南畝-6
Enjoying Kyoka in English: Nanpo Ota-6

年号は 安く長くと 変われども 諸色(ショシキ)*高くて 今は明和九(メイワク; 迷惑)


Though the name of the era is, duly,
To become ‘Annei’, meaning,
Long and peaceful, literally,
It is still now in the 9th year of ‘Meiwa’**, or the year annoying,
As the prices of goods and services are high and rising.


* いろいろな品; 物価; prices
** Meiwa 9; meiwa ku

年号が 令和となりて 計算が さらに複雑 平成(ヘイセイ、ヘイセー; 平静)失う

中湖 康太

Hearing the name of the era is, duly,
To become ‘Reiwa’, or beautiful harmony,
Sourced from ‘Manyoshu’, serenely,
I will lose my ‘Heisei’, or equanimity,
As the conversion to western calendar will become more complicated inevitably.

Such as it is. お粗末

By Kota Nakako



In Tanuma period, the culture flourished because of its open and stimulative policy. Behind the flourishment of Kyoka lied the free atmosphere it nurtured. On the other hand, there was a big fire in Edo in Meiwa 9 (1772),  in addition to several natural disasters in the preceding years, which caused the shortage of various commodities. The general price levels increased. The name of an ear changed from Meiwa (light and harmony) to Anei (stable and eternal), accordingly. It makes a pun on Meikwa 9, pronounced ‘meiwaku’ or annoyance.

(注) 狂歌(きょうか)とは、風刺、皮肉、しゃれ、滑稽を盛り込み、五・七・五・七・七の音で構成した諧謔形式の短歌。

Note: Kyoka is satirical, ironical or comical short Japanese poem, derived from Tanka, composed of 31 syllables, with a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7 sounds.

By Kota Nakako


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