77. 瀬をはやみ 岩にせかるる 滝川(たきがは)の われても末(すゑ)に 逢はむとぞ思ふ 崇徳院(すとくいん) I am determined to see her, Even if we are separated from each other Like the rapid downstream of the river Is crashed against the rock in the river, Once split into two, but eventually come together. By Sutokuin Translated by Kota Nakako

瀬をはやみ 岩にせかるる 滝川(たきがは)の われても末(すゑ)に 逢はむとぞ思ふ



I am determined to see her,
Even if we are separated from each other
Like the rapid downstream of the river
Is crashed against the rock in the river,
Once split into two, but eventually come together.

By Sutokuin
Translated by Kota Nakako

I am determined to see her, again, even if we are separated from each other, like the rapid downstream of the river is crashed against the rock, once split into two once but eventually come together and united.

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