94. み吉野(よしの)の 山の秋風 さ夜(よ)ふけて ふるさと寒く 衣(ころも)うるなり 藤原雅経(ふじわらまさつね) The autumn wind blows coldly, At Mt. Yoshino at night advanced, Where once old capital existed flourishigly. The sound of hitting clothes are echoed, And in the cold air clearly heard. By Masatsune Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

み吉野(よしの)の 山の秋風 さ夜(よ)ふけて ふるさと寒く 衣(ころも)うるなり


吉野の山の秋風が、夜がふけて吹きわたり ふるさと(=古く都のあった地)である吉野の里は寒く、寒々と衣を打つ(=衣をやわらかく見栄えよくするための作業)音が聞こえる

The autumn wind blows coldly,
At Mt. Yoshino at night advanced,
Where once old capital existed flourishigly.
The sound of hitting clothes are echoed,
And in the cold air clearly heard.

By Masatsune Fujiwara
Translated by Kota Nakako

The autumn wind blows coldly at Mt. Yoshino at advanced night where once old capital existed flourishigly. The sound of hitting clothes are echoed and heard clearly in the cold air.

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