経済短歌: 賃金上がらぬ真の要因  True reason preventing wage increases – economic tanka

経済短歌: 賃金上がらぬ真の要因 
True reason preventing wage increases – economic tanka

賃金が 上がれば 累進の 税率上がり 実入り少なし

The more you gain from wages, the less marginal net income you earn,
That’s the progressive taxation in Japan.

賃金の 上昇妨ぐ 要因は 累進課税と 知るは妙なり

It is interesting to know that a factor preventing wage increase in Japan can be the progressive taxation,
Due to the pursuit of efficient wage not only of corporations but also of laborers; i.e. the wage is equal to marginal disutility of labor.

賃金の 上昇阻む 真因は 労働者側に あるも妙なり

A true factor preventing wage increase can be the law of wages in the supply side,
i.e., the wage is equal to the marginal disutility of labor.

by Kota Nakako


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