97. 来(こ)ぬ人(ひと)を まつほの浦の 夕(ゆふ)なぎに 焼(や)くや藻塩(もしほ)の 身(み)もこがれつつ 藤原定家(ふじわらさだいえ) I have been yearning for my lover Who hasn’t come, unconcerned, No matter how long I wait for him, Burning with love, like the salt seaweed grilled, During evening calm at Mastuho Bay, subsided. By Sadaie Fujiwara Translated by Kota Nakako

来(こ)ぬ人(ひと)を まつほの浦の 夕(ゆふ)なぎに 焼(や)くや藻塩(もしほ)の 身(み)もこがれつつ



I have been yearning for my lover
Who hasn’t come, unconcerned,
No matter how long I wait for him,
Burning with love, like the salt seaweed grilled,
During evening calm at Mastuho Bay, subsided.

By Sadaie Fujiwara
Translated by Kota Nakako

I have been yearning for my lover, who hasn’t come, unconcerned, no matter how long I wait for him, burning with love, like the salt seaweed grilled, during subsided evening calm at Mastuho Bay.

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