41. 恋すてふ わが名はまだき 立ちにけり 人しれずこそ 思ひそめしか 壬生忠見(みぶただみ) The rumor has spread quickly That I have fallen deeply In love with her, seriously, Even though, earnestly I tried to keep it secret furtively. By Tadami Mibu Translated by Kota Nakako

恋すてふ わが名はまだき 立ちにけり 人しれずこそ 思ひそめしか



The rumor has spread quickly
That I have fallen deeply
In love with her, seriously,
Even though, earnestly
I tried to keep it secret furtively.

By Tadami Mibu
Translated by Kota Nakako

The rumor spreads fast that I am falling in love with her, even though I tried to keep it secret.

にほんブログ村 本ブログ 詩集・歌集・句集へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログ 古典文学へ   にほんブログ村 本ブログへ