87. 村雨(むらさめ)の 露(つゆ)もまだひぬ 真木の葉に 霧たちのぼる 秋の夕暮(ゆふぐ)れ 寂蓮法師(じゃくれんほうし) After the rain shower went by, The dews have not been dried up fully, Around the evergreen trees hereby. White vopors are rising misty, At dusk in the autumn early. By Jakuren Hoshi Translated by Kota Nakako

村雨(むらさめ)の 露(つゆ)もまだひぬ 真木の葉に 霧たちのぼる 秋の夕暮(ゆふぐ)れ



After the rain shower went by,
The dews have not been dried up fully,
Around the evergreen trees hereby.
White vopors are rising misty,
At dusk in the autumn early.

By Jakuren Hoshi
Translated by Kota Nakako

After the rain shower went by, the dews have not been dried up fully. Around the evergreen trees hereby, white vopors are rising misty, at dusk in the autumn early.

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