英語で味わう狂歌 大田南畝-104 Enjoying Kyoka in English: Nanpo Ota-104

英語で味わう狂歌 大田南畝-104
Enjoying Kyoka in English: Nanpo Ota-104

鐘子期(ショウシキ)*に わかれし時の おみくじは 琴をかついで 山や過(スゴ)けん


Should he draw a fortune slip when Zhong Ziqi passed away,
The message will be that he should shoulder his koto harp to go to the mountain anyway.

Yomono Akara (Nanpo Ohta)

* 中国、春秋時代の楚(そ)の人。琴の名人伯牙の音楽の理解者として知られ、その死後、伯牙は琴の糸を切って生涯演奏しなかったといわれる。
Zhong Ziqi – a person of Chu (state) in Spring and Autumn period of ancient China who understood well the music of Bo Ya, master koto (harp) player.  After his death, Bo Ya ceased playing koto.

(コメント; Comment)


Taking up a Chinese legend, he expresses the damage of losing someone understanding of him as a message of fortune slip with a sense of homor.

(注) 狂歌(きょうか)とは、風刺、皮肉、しゃれ、 滑稽を盛り込んだ5-7-5-7-7形式の短歌。江戸時代後期(18世紀後半)に隆盛し、天明狂歌として黄金期を迎える。大田南畝(蜀山人 ショクサンジン; 1749-1823)は、その代表的文人、狂歌師。

Note: Kyoka is satirical, ironical or comical short Japanese poem, derived from Tanka, composed of 31 syllables, with a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7 sounds. It flourished and marked a golden age in the late Edo period in the late 18th century as Tenmei Kyoka. Ota Nampo, Shokusanjin (1749-1823), is one of the leading Kyoka poets.

by Kota Nakako


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